Secret Invasion Episode 3 Betrayed Podcast

Chris and Derek chat about everything hidden in Secret Invasion Episode 3 Betrayed. With Gravik’s plot taking shape Talos has to put someone he loves in jeopardy to save the planet.

Secret Invasion Episode 3 Betrayed Synopsis

Executive ProducersKevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Brad Winderbaum, Samuel L. Jackson, Ali Selim, Kyle Bradstreet, Brian Tucker

Head Writer: Kyle Bradstreet

All Episodes directed by: Ali Selim

Episode Written by: Roxanne Paredes and Brian Tucker

Gravik reveals to the Skrull Council that he intends to create Super Skrulls using the collected foreign DNA, and that he has sent some of the rebels to infiltrate the Royal Navy in order to launch missiles at a United Nations aircraft. Gravik later meets with Talos to negotiate a parlay, but discussion breaks down when Gravik threatens to kill Talos’s daughter G’iah.

But G’iah secretly sends Talos information about the attack, while Fury meets with him and pleads to work together again. Fury contacts Sonia Falsworth and learns the name of the Naval Command Headquarters’ officer in charge, Commodore Robert Fairbanks.

Fury and Talos arrive at his home and interrogate Bob Fairbanks, but the Commodore provokes Talos to kill him. With the clock ticking Talos contacts his undercover daughter to retrieve Fairbanks’ authorization code from his real body, allowing them to abort the launch in just in time.

G’iah attempts to run away, but is spotted by Gravik, who reveals his plan hasn’t failed he had always intended to find the mole within his organisation. With G’iah revealed as the betrayer, Gravik shoots and kills her.

Meanwhile, Fury’s wife, Priscilla secretly receives a call from an unknown person and after retrieving a weapon from a secure location she’s given a mission from a recognisable voice on the phone. She asks to speak to Gravik, but the voice denies her request.

Secret Invasion Episode 3 Cast

A Return to Defending

As we are returning to the Marvel TV universe we are using the format of our former Marvel podcast, Defenders TV Podcast. We discuss:

– Our Top 5 Points (or Case Notes) of the episode

– Whether we each Defend the episode or not

– Notes, Quotes and comic references

The Secret Invasion Pub Quiz

During each podcast we’ll ask a question about each episode in our Secret Invasion Pub Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to At the end of the six episode series the listeners with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Secret Invasion goodies. All questions will be updated on:

Question 3: How does Fury like his eggs in the morning?

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Next time on TV Podcast Industries

Thanks for joining us for our Secret Invasion Episode 3 podcast. We’ll be back next week with our chat about Secret Invasion Episode 4.

You can also join us on our main feed for all of our podcasts including all the Marvel TV Shows including Wandavision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier, What If, Ms. Marvel, She Hulk Attorney At Law and much much more.

Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and Keep Defending.

Derek, Chris and John

TV Podcast Industries

The music for this episode Armor Piercing by Audiorezout is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.