The actor Thomas Jane was recently asked in a Reddit A.M.A (Ask me anything) interview with fans whether he would like to reprise the role of Frank Castle or the Punisher. The actor portrayed the vigilante Punisher in the 2004 film directed by Jonathan Hensleigh and in the unofficial follow up ultra violent short movie “Dirty Laundry” in 2012. While the feature film divides opinions most fans like Thomas Jane’s portrayal of Frank Castle particularly in Dirty Laundry which you can watch below.
Reddit User “nhgaudreu” asked Thomas Jane the following questions:
“Is there a certain favorite story line from the comics that you would like to see made into a movie?
What was it like training with SEALs for the role? I admire the hell out of SEAL.
Do you think you’ll ever be the Punisher again?”
Thomas Jane [–]ThomasJaneHere[S] responded with the following
“Yeah, tell ’em I really love Circle of Blood, where Frank gets thrown in prison with a bunch of the guys that he put there.
Well, the Navy SEAL training was some of the hardest and most rewarding training I’ve ever done. The SEALS that I worked with were some of the most level-headed, intelligent, and loyal people i’ve ever met. And with the right story – I’d do it again. Yeah.”