WandaVision Podcast Episode 7 “Breaking The Fourth Wall”

Barrier breaking and chats to camera fill our WandaVision Podcast Episode 7 with big reveals. We chat all about “Breaking The Fourth Wall” on this week’s podcast.

Wandavision Episode 7 Podcast

WandaVision Podcast Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode Written by: Cameron Squires

Episode Directed By: Matt Shakman

From the N64, and Atari controllers to Wii remotes and Uno the Maximoff household is glitching between times, and after the fright night that was Halloween Wanda desperately needs some “me” time! With Agatha helping to look after the twins and Vision still not returned home, Wanda settles in for a quiet morning of “to camera” self-reflection and TV.

At the travelling circus on the outskirts of Westview the new clown Vision and Darcy the escape artist escape their big top debut to get back to Wanda but events seem to be preventing them from getting to Vision’s home.

Meanwhile after a few hiccups Monica’s plan to get back into the Hex is successful but as she pushes her way through the energy field, her DNA is altered giving her new powers. She makes her way to Wanda and her new powers help combat Wanda’s magic as she tries to appeal to her better nature and to stop Wanda’s hold over Westview.

Luckily before things can escalate Agatha steps in to diffuse the situation and brings Wanda to her house and the twins. As Wanda regains her composure things begin to feel odd at Agatha’s. Where is Ralph, more importantly where are the twins and why does Agatha’s basement have an ominous mediEVIL vibe? Why? Because it was Agatha all along!!

A Return to Defending

As we are returning to the Marvel TV universe we are using the format of our former Marvel podcast, Defenders TV Podcast. We discuss:

Our Top 5 moments of the episode

Whether we each Defend the episode or not

Notes, Quotes and comic references

Feedback and Pub Quiz

During each podcast we’ll ask a question about each episode in our WandaVision Pub Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com At the end of the nine episode series the listeners with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some WandaVision Funko Pops. All questions will be updated here: https://www.tvpodcastindustries.com/wandavision-pub-quiz-2/

Also for this season we will be including everyone who sends us in their thoughts about WandaVision in another draw for some WandaVision Funko Pops. Once you’ve watched the episodes you can email us to feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com, you can message us @TVPodIndustries on Twitter or join our Facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries and share your thoughts in our spoiler posts for each episode.

Follow us and Subscribe to the Podcast

If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe to the podcast over at https://tvpodcastindustries.com. Where we will continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you’ll love.

Next time on The WandaVisison Podcast

WandaVision continues with Episode 8 on Friday the 26th of February. Let us know your thoughts so far.

Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and Keep Defending.

Derek, Chris and John

TV Podcast Industries

All images and audio clips are copyright of Disney, Marvel and their respective copyright owners.

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