Marvel’s Loki Podcast Episode 5 “Journey Into Mystery”

Hi fellow Defenders, we’re at the penultimate episode with our Loki Podcast Episode 5 “Journey Into Mystery” as the Loki’s converge at The Void at the end of time. Derek and John chat all about it in full spoiler-filled detail.

Loki Episode 5

Loki Podcast Episode 5 “Journey Into Mystery” Synopsis

Head Writer: Michael Waldron

Episode Written by: Tom Kauffman

Episode Directed By: Kate Herron

Loki awakes in the void with Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Boastful Loki and Alligator Loki they need to get out of there before the reality eating creature Alioth destroys them.

Back at the Time Variance Authority, Judge Renslayer explains to Sylvie that the pruned timelines and variants are sent to The Void at the end of time. Loki is alive there but there’s no way to get there and back. Renslayer, using Miss Minute, keeps Sylvie busy looking for files on the imaginary void time machine to distract her while her team arrives to recapture her. But Sylvie takes the judge’s tempad and prunes herself.

As a war for power breaks out between the distrustful Lokis, Sylvie arrives at The Void and connects with Alioth where she sees a world beyond. As she makes her escape from Alioth she’s saved by Mobius M Mobius in his pizza car.

Meanwhile back at the TVA Renslayer sets a lengthy task for Ms Minutes to gather all the data on the beginning of the TVA and interrogates Hunter B-15. But B-15 realises the judge is desperately looking for information on who created the timekeepers.

Back at the end of time, Loki plans to kill Alioth thinking he can rest back control of the Void but Sylvie realises that working together they can enchant it, bringing it under their control and escape from their prison. Loki gives the stolen tempad to Mobius so he can return to the TVA.

Classic Loki uses his glorious magical power to create a replica of Asgard, this distracts Alioth long enough to give Sylvie and Loki time to control one of its branches. As they enchant Alioth, the angry cloud turns green and begins to dissipate. As the cloud rolls back a hidden castle is revealed at the centre of the beast. Will they find the true timekeepers or their creator?

Loki Season 1 Cast

A Return to Defending

As we are returning to the Marvel TV universe we are using the format of our former Marvel podcast, Defenders TV Podcast. We discuss:

– Our Top 5 Points (or Variants) of the episode

– Whether we each Defend the episode or not

– Notes, Quotes and comic references

The Loki Pub Quiz

During each podcast we’ll ask a question about each episode in our Loki Pub Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to At the end of the six episode series the listeners with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Loki goodies. All questions will be updated on:

Feedback for Loki

Once you’ve watched the episodes you can email us to, you can message us @TVPodIndustries on Twitter or join our Facebook group at and share your thoughts in our spoiler posts for each episode.

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If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe to the podcast over at Where we will continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you’ll love.

Next time on TV Podcast Industries

We’ll be back on Saturday the 10th July with our discussion of the latest episode of Star Wars The Bad Batch and we’ll return next week with Loki Episode 5 the finale of the show.

You can also join us on our main feed for all of our podcasts including Loki, Star Wars The Bad Batch, Wandavision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier and much much more.

Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and Keep Defending.

Derek, Chris and John

TV Podcast Industries

All images and audio clips are copyright of Disney, Marvel and their respective copyright owners.