Marvel’s Hawkeye Episode 3 “Echoes” Podcast

The Defenders are back with an action packed look at Hawkeye Episode 3 “Echoes”. We’re discussing the episode in full spoiler filled detail and chatting about every single trick arrow deployed in our latest podcast.

Hawkeye Episode 3

Hawkeye Episode 3 “echoes” Synopsis

Head Writer: Jonathan Igla

Episode Written by: Katrina Mathewson and Tanner Bean

Episode Directed By: Bert & Bertie

Staff Writer: Heather Quinn

Executive Story Editors: Katrina Mathewson and Tanner Bean

In 2007 young Maya Lopez is learning to live in a world without hearing. Growing up she is supported by her father as he encourages her to jump between the two worlds of the hearing and the signing. But one evening Maya witnesses the slaying of her father at the hands and sword of the Ronin.

In the present day, Maya stands over Clint Barton and Kate Bishop to interrogate them about Ronin, as she seek revenge for her murdered father. Clint manages to free himself and fend off Maya and the Tracksuit Mafia, though Maya breaks his hearing aid in the process. Freeing Kate Bishop they escape the warehouse, but are pursued in their stolen saloon car by Maya, her second in command Kazi and the rest of the Tracksuit Mafia. With the help of many trick arrows they manage to escape their pursuers and get back to their safehouse.

Clint gets his hearing aid fixed, they manage to walk the dog, now christened Pizza Dog, and both look to learn more about the Tracksuit Mafia as well as her soon to be step-father Jack Duquesne. Kate brings Clint back to her mother’s penthouse, where she attempts to access the criminal database of her mother’s company – Bishop Securities. However, Kate is locked out of the system as she attempts to bypass the encryption., while Clint hears a noise elsewhere in the apartment. As he goes to investigate he encounters the sharp end of Jack Duquesne, as he holds the Ronin sword to Clint’s throat.

Hawkeye Episode 2 Cast

A Return to Defending

As we are returning to the Marvel TV universe we are using the format of our former Marvel podcast, Defenders TV Podcast. We discuss:

– Our Top 3 Points (or Arrow Points) of the episode

– Whether we each Defend the episode or not

– Notes, Quotes and comic references

The Hawkeye Pub Quiz

During each podcast we’ll ask a question about each episode in our Hawkeye Pub Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to At the end of the six episode series the listeners with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Hawkeye goodies. All questions will be updated on:

Question 3: What is the name of the auto repair business where Maya witnesses Ronin killing her father?

Feedback for Hawkeye

Once you’ve watched the episodes you can email us to, you can message us @TVPodIndustries on Twitter or join our Facebook group at and share your thoughts in our spoiler posts for each episode.

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If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe to the podcast over at Where we will continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you’ll love.

Next time on TV Podcast Industries

Thanks for joining us for our Hawkeye Episode 3 podcast. We’ll be back this weekend with our discussion of Hawkeye Episode 4 “Hide and Seek”.

We’re also covering The Wheel of Time and our podcast all about The Wheel of Time Episode 5 “Blood Calls Blood” on Saturday 4th December at 5PM GMT.

You can also join us on our main feed for all of our podcasts including What If, Y The Last Man, The Wheel of Time, Loki, Star Wars The Bad Batch, Wandavision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier and much much more.

Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and Keep Defending.

Derek, Chris and John

TV Podcast Industries

All images and audio clips are copyright of Disney, Marvel and their respective copyright owners.

The music for our Hawkeye Podcast is an edit of Hunted by Scott Holmes Music used under Creative Commons attribution 4.0 license

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