Comic Reviews Doctor Strange 400 2019 Issue 10 – Defenders TV Podcast

It’s a big celebration this month for our comic book discussions as we discuss Doctor Strange 400 Issue 10 of the current run and the 400th Issue of Doctor Strange in Comics by Mark Waid, Jesus Saiz and loads of great artists. We discuss each of the 5 celebratory pieces in this Doctor Strange issue. This is a spoiler filled discussion about each story so make sure you’ve read the issue before listening to the podcast.

Doctor Strange 400 Covers by Jesus Saiz, Kevin Nowlan, Joe Quesada and Frank Miller

Doctor Strange 400 2019 Issue 10 Part 1 “Remittance” Spoiler filled Synopsis

This story is Written by Mark Waid and continues the main run of the arc from issue 9 with Artwork and cover by Jesús Saiz

Here’s the issue summary from Comixology.

Doctor Strange has returned home from his adventures across the galaxy…only to find himself the recipient of a most unusual visitor from the past!

Doctor Strange 400 Part 2 “House Call” Spoiler filled Synopsis

This story is Written by Mark Waid with Artwork by Butch Guice and colours by Carlos Lopez

A standalone short story as Stephen Strange visits a former friend whose son has gotten himself into trouble with a magical object.

Doctor Strange 400 Part 3 “The Lever” Spoiler filled Synopsis

This story is Written by Mark Waid with Artwork by Kevin Nowlan and colours by Jim Campbell

A retelling of the origin story from the perspective of The Ancient One.

Doctor Strange 400 Part 4 Anniversary Artwork

A beautiful double page spread of artwork featuring famous moments from the history of Doctor Strange all by Tom Palmer

A retelling of the origin story from the perspective of The Ancient One.

Doctor Strange 400 Part 5 “Perchance” Spoiler filled Synopsis

The final story is also Written by Mark Waid with Artwork by Daniel Acuna.

This story shows the impact of encountering Doctor Strange from the perspective of one of his greatest foes Nightmare.

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Thanks so much for listening to our Doctor Strange 400 2019 issue 10 Review we love to hear from listeners about your thoughts on our Strange Tales discussion podcasts so please send yours to join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can now record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button.

We’ll be back next month with our review of Doctor Strange 2019 Issue 11 to find out what’s happening with the Head Accountant.The issue is due for release on the 20th of February.

Thanks so much for listening

John and Derek

Strange Tales on Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 31/01/2019
Date published: 02/02/2019
MP3, 49.26mins, 96kbps, 34.2 MB

All images and audio clips are copyright of Marvel and their copyright holders no infringement is intended. The music for the Doctor Strange portion of this episode is”Magic Hour” by Three Chain Links is licensed under an Attribution License.

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