Daredevil 313 Review “A New Napkin” – Defenders TV Podcast Episode 199

Join us for the final time this season for our Daredevil 313 Review as we discuss our top five case notes about “A New Napkin” the final episode of the third season of Daredevil. As always make sure you’ve watched the episode before listening to our podcast.

Daredevil 313 Review

Daredevil 313 Review “A New Napkin” Spoiler filled Synopsis

Directed by Sam Miller

Written by Erik Oleson

With Foggy Nelson’s (Elden Henson) plan in general disarray, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) returns to his own plan and intends to kill Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio). He kidnaps and interrogates Felix Manning, learning vital intel to use against Fisk, Vanessa Marianna (Ayelet Zurer) and Special Agent Poindexter (Wilson Bethel).

Elsewhere, Foggy still believes in the rule of law and as he is called into the FBI office in New York to represent Agent Ray Nadeem’s wife Seema (Sunita Deshpande) he discovers a dying declaration detailing all of Fisk’s crimes.

Meanwhile, as Fisk and Vanessa get married at the Presidential Hotel, their reception is rudely interrupted by Ray Nadeem (Jay Ali) from beyond the grave and the arrival of a seriously weaponized DexDevil. As Dex attacks, Matt joins the fight overpowering Wilson Fisk but not before Poindexter is left paralyzed.

In the bloody aftermath, Fisk is sent back to prison, Dexter undergoes experimental spinal surgery and Foggy suggests that he, Matt and Page (Deborah Ann Woll) begin to work together again… as Nelson, Murdock and Page Attorneys at law or is that Page, Nelson and Murdock Avocados at law or is that Murdock, Page and Nelson Attornados at law?! We’ll hopefully find out if we get a forth season of Daredevil on Netflix.

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Thank you so much for listening to our Daredevil 313 Review Podcast. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast through Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts. We are now also available on Spotify just search for Defenders TV Podcast. If you would like to send any of your thoughts in please send them to feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on facebook at Facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can now record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website tvpodcastindustries.com by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button.

We’ll be back with our very special 200th episode of Defenders TV Podcast where we will be discussing your feedback on the season as a whole and our overall thoughts on Daredevil Season 3. We’re also continuing our comic book coverage with the monthly Doctor Strange comic by Mark Waid. Also the Original Defenders return in the limited series “The Best Defense” featuring Doctor Strange, Namor, The Hulk and Silver Surfer and a final issue tying all the characters together. Additionally we’ll be jumping into Spider-man with our discussion about the five issue Spider-Geddon event and the animated Spider-man “Into The Spider-Verse movie which will all be coming out before Punisher Season 2 and Jessica Jones season 3 arrive in 2019.

John, Chris and Derek

Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 22/11/2018
Date published: 26/11/2018
MP3, 76.21 mins, 96kbps, 52.6 MB

All images and audio clips are copyright of Netflix no infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website MississippiMacdonald.com .