Agent Carter S02E03 Better Angels Podcast – Defenders TV Podcast Episode 46

We return this week for our Agent Carter S02E03 Better Angels Podcast to discuss our top 5 points about this episode. This includes everything from The Arena Club, the return of Howard Stark, a fantastic action sequence and the jaw dropping closing of this weeks episode. We also try not to spoil any more of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this week.

If you want to check out the Children of Tendu the podcast by Agent Carter Writer José Molina head on over to his website here: Children of Tendu. Derek highly recommends the show to anyone interested in the behind the scenes of Hollywood.

DTVP46 Agent Carter S02E03 Better Angels Podcast

Synopsis for Agent Carter S02E03 Better Angels Podcast

Directed by: David Platt

Written by: Jose Molina

The fallout from events at Isodyne Energy has everyone, including Chief Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) called from the New York SSR office, scrambling to spin the news of the explosion as an act of sabotage by the Russian Spy – Dr Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin). But Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) is experiencing her own fallout as she blames herself for the death of Dr Wilkes and refutes the Wilkes-Russian spy theory as patsy talk that places her on a collision course with her superiors and Chief Thompson. However, this does not deter Peggy as she, along with Edwin Jarvis (James D’Arcy), enlists the help of Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) in pursuit of the truth about Dr Wilkes, Zero Matter, the Arena Club and Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett). As Peggy and Jarvis infiltrate the Arena club to find out more information, weird events and strange goings on bring a pleasant surprise for Peggy who can now focus her investigation on Whitney Frost. However, as Whitney Frost senses Peggy and the SSR closing in she focuses the Arena Club’s resources against Peggy just as she starts to find and focus her own new found energies on those around her to devastating effect.

In case you don’t know the Irish TV show Father Ted that Derek spoke about on the podcast but here’s the quick clip of Dougal and his blue jumper.

That’s all for this week The Defenders will return again next week for Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 4 “Smoke & Mirrors“. Thanks so much for joining us for the latest episode of our Agent Carter Season 2 podcast. We love to hear from listeners about your thoughts on Agent Carter so please send us feedback to join our Facebook group here or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast.

Chris, John and Derek

Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 11/02/2016
Date published: 13/02/2016
MP3, 62.44 mins, 128kbps, 57.6 MB

All images and audio clips are copyright of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website . This show is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast Network. For more shows like this visit