Agent Carter S02E02 A View In The Dark Podcast – Defenders TV Podcast Episode 45

The Defenders put a sock on the door knob as we go through our Agent Carter S02E02 A View In The Dark Podcast. As we talk through our top five points of Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 2 we discuss the big bang by Isodyne Energy and talk all things Zero Matter…was that the same implosion that rocked Roxxon Chemicals in Season 1 of Agent Carter? We discuss other connections in Agent Carter this week, especially those apparent links between the Council and their symbol that looks suspiciously like it has also appeared in Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Bernard returns to cause havoc for Jarvis and Hayley Atwell and Dr. Wilkes cause havoc at Isodyne Energy. As it all goes down at Isodyne we are left with Frost’s Fissured Face!!

Agent Carter S02E02 A View In The Dark podcast - Defenders TV Podcast Episode 45

Synopsis for Agent Carter S02E02 A View In The Dark Podcast

Agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) still holds suspicions about Isodyne Energy as she meets with Dr Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) to help with her investigation. He is initially hesitant to turn on his employer but is eventually persuaded to inform on Isodyne; as he reveals that in an attempt to replicate the Manhattan Project Isodyne had discovered a strange new phenomenon and in doing so had also discovered Zero Matter. Unknown to the SSR Chadwick (Currie Graham) is called to meet with the secretive Council, who shut down Isodyne Energy due to its seeming lack of results, and want him to focus on his political ambitions. However, just as Isodyne is being closed down by the Council the SSR move on the company as Peggy and Wilkes try to confiscate the new substance in Isodyne’s basement. But little do they know that another, Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett), also has designs on this new Zero Matter.

Thanks so much for joining us for our first episode of our Agent Carter Season 2 podcast. We love to hear from listeners about your thoughts on Agent Carter so please send us feedback to join our Facebook group here or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast.

If you want to hear our thoughts on the Season 1 of Agent Carter, Marvel’s Netflix series Daredevil and Jessica Jones or the MCU films Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man or even the Marvel related film Fantastic Four check out our podcast feed.

The Defenders will return again next week for Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 3 “Better Angels“.

Chris, John and Derek

Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 05/02/2016
Date published: 06/02/2016
MP3, 69.32 mins, 128kbps, 63.8 MB

All images and audio clips are copyright of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website . This show is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast Network. For more shows like this visit

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